• Lifestyle

    Anticipating Spring

    I spent nearly all of last weekend in the garden, helping it wake up from its Winter slumber, clearing away the detritus and mulching the beds.  Its a job I dread doing but once I’m out, trowel in hand I…

  • Lifestyle

    A Different Kind of January

    January can be a bleak month at the best of times after all the glitter of Christmas.  This year the bleakness outside is also hampered with the current pandemic and other factors that are weighing a little heavy on all…

  • Lifestyle

    Looking Forward to the New Year

    Here we are again, the last post of 2020. What a year reflecting on the uncertainty and bittersweet days that have passed.  I hope that over the months my little blog has brought some comfort and calm through the turbulent…

  • Lifestyle

    Christmas Wishes

    We’ve made it, after one of the strangest years for all of us.  I know that Christmas may be a little different this year  but we can still embrace the sparkle and all the riches that this time of year…

  • Lifestyle

    End of Autumn

    The end of Autumn is bitter sweet, it goes by so fleetingly.  The burnished leaves are now falling at rapid speed and the colder days are just around the corner.  I don’t know about you but it seems to have…

  • Lifestyle

    Coming Together to Shop Small

    This is not a Christmas post, far from it, I wanted to share with you some wonderful independent stores that I like to support.  Not just because of the current climate of lockdown and the devastating effect it is having…

  • Lifestyle

    Autumn Dilemmas

    The last couple of weeks have been quite strange, life stopped for a little while when my daughter tested positive for Covid and we had to self isolate.  Something I thought we had worked so hard at preventing happened just…