
Slow & Steady New Year

Just like that the Christmas sparkle has been packed away for another year.  As always I tentatively step into the January, no big fanfare or plans that would make me more anxious.  Slow and steady it goes just gently reminding myself that everything is ok, taking my own pace and appreciating all the wonderful things around me.  Getting back to a routine that makes me feel comfortable and is manageable.

I quite like the bleakness of the first month of the year, maybe as its my birth month or maybe because through the dark mornings and the sparseness you notice the glints of light and the jewels that nature provides taking us into Spring.  I try very hard to get outside in the great outdoors as much as possible too, it calms the mind and puts everything into perspective.

Its also a wonderful time to focus on home and what it means, you can assess things that need a little refresh or update and enjoy planning what you will change in the months to come.  I do feel rather sad when we take the Christmas decorations down as you can’t quite work out how the holidays went so fast.  On the other hand we do it slowly together taking our time to talk about our favourite gifts and moments that we shared.  It also gives you the impetus to have a bit of a tidy up, finding new homes for your presents means some things are no longer needed, it feels good to have a sort out.

After the tidy its nice to freshen and spruce to make things smell clean and fresh.  I always use eco friendly cleaning products but I’m giving nookary probiotic cleaner a go.  We have over the years started to bulk buy our cleaning essentials and reuse old vessels to decant it into to reduce our plastic waste but this Nookary product is taking us one step further which is fabulous.  The refill packaging is small and the probiotic cleaner goes a long way as you dilute the solution with water to make a 500ml bottle.

It is a far gentler process using a probiotic cleaner by using beneficial bacteria to outcompete the bad ones that are harmful to us, just like how our bodies work.  No harsh toxic chemicals, how fabulous is that, plus it actually makes cleaning easier as they carry on working whilst we go and do literally anything else, marvellous.  It works on any hard surface from your worktops, floors, the bath and even the windows making everything sparkly clean.  The best bit though is the smell oh my goodness the scent of fresh citrus and bergamot is simply divine.

So all in all, January you really aren’t so bad, especially when my home is clean and cosy as it is right now.

Happy New Year!


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