Collaborations,  Sustainable Living

Aromatherapy & Relaxation // Phena London

As the weeks pass by a little haze like we are slowly forgetting how our world used to be and relaxing into our new normal, focusing on the things that bring pleasure along with moments of calm.  I am so lucky that I am safe and secure here in my little abode, enjoying free time to potter about more than normal and truly appreciate all the things our home gives us as a family.  There are still some moments of concern and anxiety that surround us all but I am finding ways, also to keep following my natural routines that help when these thoughts arise.  Sleep is a great healer, being able to wake with birdsong is another, spending time in my garden, cooking family meals and eating together around our table.  Other rituals bring joy too such as when the sun starts to set lighting a candle that brings warmth and scent to my space, letting the aromas wash over you as you feel yourself relax into your evening.  I couldn’t be without beautiful aromatherapy candles to sooth your soul and help your mind wander to beautiful places.
I’m not blogging as much as usual but today is a little bit more special as I want to introduce you to Phena London,  this wonderful lifestyle brand were about to launch their business just as the lockdown hit.  With grit and determination they are pushing ahead in these unprecedented times to bring you their online store that a lot of hard work has gone into preparing.   For now you can sign up via the website to receive an access code to shop virtually and have early access to their first edition candles: DUSK.

The concept behind Phena London is circularity, working with plant based restaurants across London to make aromatherapy candles from waste cooking oil.   The founder Patricia Romero started to increasingly think about the pressure the world currently puts on natural resources. With a keen interest in sustainability, wellness and the restaurant industry, Patricia developed her idea to turn waste cooking oil into a luxury product in the form of aromatherapy candles, extending the life cycle of waste oil and closing the loop on the use of raw materials. Working with a patented procedure which turns waste cooking oil into wax, she started to craft her debut edition which would soon become the first UK-made circular aromatherapy candle.

Phena London philosophy is that luxury products shouldn’t be made at the cost of the environment.  Designed and hand poured in London, these sustainable and eco-friendly candles deliver a clean and long-lasting burn. Not wanting to compromise on quality, they only source natural essential oils for the fragrances, as well as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified wooden wicks. The result are beautifully crafted aromatherapy candles which contribute to the circular economy and to the future of luxury.  To find out more about the process behind the candles click here.

Not only is this candle beautifully packaged, all of your senses are aroused from listening to the crackle of the wooden wick to the heady scent of lavender, clary sage, chamomile, geranium and bergamot.  These are my favourites infused into one very special candle.  Each one crafted with your wellbeing in mind letting you relax and stimulate all your senses.  To be quite honest it is the perfect antidote to our current situation, being able to enjoy the simplest of things as lighting a candle to aid relaxation, soothe nerves and encourage mental calmness is all good in my book.



* Candle kindly gifted by Phena London

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