
Precious Time

I know I usually write about interiors or lifestyle tid-bits but sometimes things happen that you have no control over, you need to take time to mull things over and possibly write about it like I am today, so excuse me if you are wanting beautiful interior images or tips to help improve your every day.  I am so very lucky to be able to do what I do, I can pick and choose and take time off when its needed, the Summer holidays are nearly upon us and I am definitely downing tools for quite a lot of it.  To fully be in the moment with my family and not thinking about how I’m going to Instagram this and that or trying to pursue content for blog posts.  Sometimes its just ok to slow things down and deal with the immediate and that’s exactly what I am going to try and not feel anxious about it.

For the last few months I have been living in a stressful state due to a medical issue and its taken a lot out of me mentally, so I’ve found it rather hard being present and engaged on social media. The inspiration and joy just hasn’t been there.   Trying to condition my brain to not worry about a diagnosis I’ve struggled with enormously, I have jumped to many scenarios but haven’t been able to find a path to talking about my predicament, obviously family and friends have been amazing but nothing professionally.  I think the word Cancer scares most people and that word has been at the fore front of my mind all these weeks but because I haven’t had this diagnosis there doesn’t seem to be anywhere to go or speak to to put your mind at ease a little.

I am terrible for making mountains out of mole hills, I am a born worrier so anything like this I find exceedingly hard to cope with, my current situation is ok (hopefully), I have my next appointment in September so I shouldn’t still be scared but I’m still finding it difficult to put it all completely out of my mind.    I am however going to take time away to focus my attention on everything around me and be with my family who are so very precious.  We are going away next week in our little caravan Agatha for 3 weeks, days that are very much needed to take care of myself and let the stresses of the last couple of months fade.  To be able to reset and deal with my emotions by letting my surroundings sooth my soul.

So this may be my last post for a few weeks, I shall see how things go.  Thank you all for understanding it means the world.







  • Linda Pennell

    We shall miss you but please take care of yourself! We will all love to hear tales of Agatha once you are in a better place. Virtual hug!

    • Jane

      Dear Linda,

      Thank you ever so much for your kind words. I am absolutely fine lovely but it has been quite stressful these last few weeks! I am so looking forward to this holiday, Agatha is a super girl and we love taking her on adventures xx

  • Barbara Paul

    Thank you for your honesty Jane. I know how difficult this must have been for you. I have been unwell for two years and am just coming into a lighter place. Take support from family and friends – the people who know you and love you. Please do not worry about worrying – it is a natural reaction. at times of stress. Remember there is a whole community out here who understand and are also supporting you. xxx

    • Morag Thomson Merriman

      Cancer worries are so horribly scary and very stressful to deal with, mentally and physically, so you’re doing absolutely the right thing to take time out for some self-care and nurturing through spending precious time with your family over the summer. Big hugs x

      • Jane

        Dear Morgan

        Oh my it has been rather horrid but fingers crossed everything is ok, I feel a lot better than I did I can tell you. Self care is most certainly on the cards and this holiday has come at the right time, a perfect tonic spending time with my gang. Love Jx

    • Jane

      Dear Barbara

      So sorry to hear that you have been unwell for such a long time but very heartened to hear that you are now striving for the light. I am very lucky that I have a very supportive community around me and they help enormously. I am so looking forward to my holidays away with my tribe they are so very precious. Love Jane x

  • Susan E. Peters

    I will miss your lovely posts, but I too am a worrier and when I or someone I love has something that could possibly be serious, I am unable to put my worry aside. I hope your vacation calms your soul and that your health issues are found to be nothing serious. I understand and I will be praying for you.

    • Jane

      Dear Susan

      Thank you for your kind words, I’m not taking too much of a break but I definitely want to make the most of my holiday with my family so work is taking a back foot, well until the end of August anyway! Yes I am a terrible worrier, I wish it weren’t the case but regarding my health issues I’m feeling fine and its nothing sinister thank goodness but by goodness it has been a stressful wait! I’m now going off on our travels to breath in the sea air and completely relax. Love Jane x

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