
The Reality of Keeping it Real

Well how things can alter in just one week. So much has shifted after my last post where I was still filled with a little optimism.  I wrote my words a week gone Wednesday, before the schools closed, along with bars, restaurants and theatres, then after a very strange weekend the lock-down finally came.   My thoughts and words from last week still remain true but I must admit I have struggled at times over the last couple of days. Some thoughts and worries seem so trivial for me to be even contemplating but still pop into my head.  Others are of complete anger at the actions of some people.

Home life and our new routine is now taking shape, we are adjusting to the new normal.  I’m very lucky that my day hasn’t changed that much. My work has taken a bit of a back seat but that is a decision I am lucky to able to make.  My husband works from home already and continues to do so.  One of the loveliest things about our new routine is having Ruby at home, the morning alarm clock has been switched off, we are waking naturally with the sun coming through the curtains which is rather lovely.  Everything has slowed down but we are managing to get everything done and more as we have no time constraints.  Ruby is managing her school work like a pro, we are getting our daily exercise, walking every day, being outside is good.  I’ve even started a mini workout in the living room with Davina, something I’d never thought I’d see me do.  I am missing swimming enormously – being in the water, just me and my thoughts gently pushing and stretching my body, I am missing my swim buddies too and the daily laughter.  Then again doing moves I haven’t done in about 20 years made Ruby and I have fits of giggles yesterday morning!

The things I have struggled with are the changing information we are being given on a daily basis. I was rather reluctant to go to the supermarket for my weekly shop yesterday, I felt quite scared. There were a few measures put in place but not what I would have expected and still too many people not distancing themselves.  There was still a shortage of basics. I haven’t been able to get pasta, rice, flour, yeast, tinned tomatoes and precious paracetamol for 3 weeks now.  We are very lucky that our local farm shop is adapting and running a call and collect system so I can still get supplies from them.   Even our veg box deliveries are being scaled back due to high demand from new customers.  One thing I thought we wouldn’t have a problem with was our toilet roll but it seems even Who Gives a Crap are struggling to fulfil orders.  The thing that is most annoying to me about all of these situations is that there is no need for any of this to be happening. Selfishness, greed and fear have raised their ugly heads and they are the cause of the shortages.  I have also witnessed my neighbours flouting the advice to keep us safe; having visitors and family gatherings, cars going in and out in and out for small journeys.  Unnecessary travel and infrequent shopping seems to mean something else!

There aresilly trivial things that have bothered me to the point of feeling very guilty for thinking them: when will I ever get my haircut again, I’m going to resemble Albert Einstein in a few weeks; how can I make my garden beautiful if I can’t get bags of compost (I’m running low).  Yes all very ridiculous and narcissistic in the grand scheme of things.  Also my hands are falling off from washing them constantly but I do have a very large selection of hand creams that should see me through hopefully or I may have to resort to raiding the butter dish!

So to end on a happier note to this very random post, everything else aside Spring is here, my daily rituals of noticing the lovelier things in life are still taking place.  Watching big bees and butterflies fly around my garden, listening to the blackbirds song makes my heart soar, staying at home is a pleasure and one that I cherish.

How are you all coping, feeling a little like me or being more up beat.  Tell me some of your stories, your ups and downs and the things that are bringing joy.


  • Lynne

    Hi Jane, glad you are ok. Yes, I thought I would plant my long thought-about veg garden – seems everyone else has the same idea and seeds are in short supply! We are all home, adjusting to the new way of life, although my husband is teaching online. My work has dried up, but at least I am not spending anything, although I may have to order my face cream online. Feel guilty about making a delivery driver come out to me but at least it is work for them! Heartened by the community between neighbours and in the country and, yes, frustrated by the non-compliers who seem to think they are above the law! As for the hair situation, I think headscarves may be the new fashion accessory! Take care.

    • Jane

      Hello Lynne,

      Yes we are all doing really well in these very strange circumstances! I’m so glad that its not just me having these thoughts. I’ve ordered a few things online too but not too much. Definitely head scarves and hats, I am however going to give cutting my hair a go, at least I’m already grey and if it goes wrong I can just shave it all off which I have done before! Love Jx

    • Jeska

      Appearance wise, I feel you – I’m starting to resemble big foot as I missed my last mobile beauty therapist session a month back. But we’ve been doing home workouts on YouTube since mid jan so glad that ball was already rolling too xx

      Same thoughts here with regards to all the shortages that could easily be avoided if folks just stopped thought and gathered their senses before rushing out, too many viewings of disaster movies and the media have done nothing to calm the situation and the supermarkets were way to slow to sort anything, I was number 92’567 in the queue online so gave up! It’s like a scene from ready steady cook, pulling 6 random things out of the fridge and cupboard and seeing what can happen ‍

      But, lots of good, garden is a life saver, Dean is great at making flat bread while we still have half a bag of flour, cat cuddles are gold, all you beauties online are magic and the flippin’ sun is in full effect ♥️ Much love to you and the family xxx

      • Jane

        Hello Lovely

        Oh my goodness Jess, I’m sure my hair is growing faster than normal, I’m contemplating letting Robert go near me with the clippers at the weekend and I’ve just ordered myself some thinning scissors. If it all goes horribly wrong I’ll either be wearing a hat for the foreseeable or rocking a number 2, I’ve done it before so I can do it again.

        I’m wishing I wasn’t so close to witness some of my neighbours, they don’t seem to be getting it. Our farm shop has been amazing, running a call and collect service but even they have had abuse! I couldn’t even get a slot online at the supermarket as I don’t usually use them. We’ve been watching Jamie Oliver on an evening and laughing saying I’d love to make that James but I can’t get rice or flour, or tinned tomatoes ha ha!! Tell Dean I make a mean flat bread too.

        Robert came home for the call and collect at the farm shop with a bag of compost, I do love my husband, it will help ease our little compost bin. I love being in the garden and hopefully will be out there most of the weekend. Ruby is being a super star and I agree this sunshine is easing my worries.

        Sending the biggest hugs to you both xx

  • Linda Pennell

    Well, we are so lucky in the great scheme of things of course. But I have dug out a present I received of a book about 30 ways to tie a scarf so I am practising turbans for when my hair is completely out of order! It will be a whole new me! And there is the wonderful new vogue for rewilding- you can be way ahead if the game there! Stay well and keep calm. Xxx

    • Jane

      Absolutely Linda same here, we are getting twitchy when we have to go outside for basics mind you!

      What a fabulous book, I think I will be you tubing haircuts and scarf tying very soon. I think I may have to embrace rewilding, honest my hair is bloody massive at the moment, may have to shave it all off again. Love Jx

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