
Positivity in Strange Times

These are unprecedented times that we are all facing.  Everyday the situation changes and we are all a little bewildered by the whole scenario.  I for one are feeling slightly overwhelmed but I also think this is ok.  So for now I have decided to scale back my routine that I am normally very diligent about and only post when I have something positive and happy to write about.  I don’t think you need me telling you what you should be doing, we all have to decide these things for ourselves.

For me I am going to be taking the time to notice the little things in our world, even if only from my own back door.  I linger over my morning coffee, taking it out into the garden with me to listen to the birds.  Look at all the new green shoots appearing in my little plot every day.  Delight in the washing blowing on the line, letting the sunshine warm my face.  I can’t control all the other things, I can only look out for my friends, family and neighbours and do what I can when I.  I am in such a privileged position that I can do what I do and it not effect our home life, choices we made many years ago seem to be helping us as a family right now and my heart goes out to all those effected greatly by this crisis.

There are many wonderful creative folk out there giving great advice for coping in these strange days, Kay from Kinship Creative (Instagram @kinship_creativdc) always has amazing tips and advice for all things sustainable.  Emily from Aerende sells the most beautiful soap on line so no need for stockpiling.  Lou from littlegreenshed started a genius new hashtag on instagram this week #thejoyfuluplift filling our feeds joyful moments, those little snippets that bring a smile and time to let the bad thoughts disperse.   These are just a few recommendations that help me suppress the worry and anxiety that I know we are all experiencing.

Whatever these coming days, weeks, months bring let do it with love and kindness.  If you need a chat or any advice at all I am always here to help in any way I can.  Please do get in touch even if its just to say hello.

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