Let Your Walls get Creative with MuralsWallpaper
Wallpaper is definitely making a come back and has been for a few years now, technology and design advancements have made decorating our homes far easier than it used to be and bringing with it an edge and boldness that…
Windows to the World // Understated Glazing
I wrote a post about windows over a year ago with no notion that I would be writing again about the same subject but with brand spanking new ones in my own home. A year ago I was dreaming of…
How to Live with a Small Bathroom // Monochrome Dreaming
Confession time, I dislike my bathroom but neither have the funds or the space to do anything about it at the moment. The thought of being bathroomless fills me with more dread than living with the one I have currently…
Ingenious Wallpaper
I never thought I would be tempted by wallpaper but this may be about to change. Technology and designs are improving at a very fast rate, there is so much choice out there it is quite mind boggling. To create…
Lighting the Way with Kovac Family
My passion for simple design is growing constantly along with sourcing brands that hold sustainability within their hands to create wonderful products that move forward with technology but keeping their integrity and ethos focused on the environment around them. I…
A Considered Home
For a long time now as a family we have made a conscious decision to improve the way we live, taking into account every aspect of our daily life. It takes no time at all to assess the every day…
The Joy of Tiles with Mandarin Stone
I have a thing for tiles, I simply love them, all their textures, patterns and shapes. I have a collection of tiles that I just keep and display because I think they are beautiful. One of the leading companies in…
The Unique Lily by Jessica Zoob
To own an original piece of art is a rare thing but something that I whole heartedly recommend everyone should aspire to have no matter how big or small. Something unique to you that will bring years of joy when…
The Sofa Dilemma
The sofa is one of the comfiest places to relax other than under the duvet so you have to get it right, it’s a big financial cost too, so any wrong choices can be a bit of a disaster. All…
Dining Chairs with Conran
I have a confession, I rather like chairs and I’ve recently been moving mine around and adding new ones to my ever changing interior. A well designed chair is like a piece of art and can bring a whole new…