
Summer Travels Part Two

After our holiday in Suffolk we came home for a week and then set off again for our annual Wiltshire trip, camping with family in a field not far from Marlborough.   It’s our happy place, I’ve been going for over twenty years so it feels like going home.  It’s also nice visiting places that we always go to but sometimes we mix it up a bit and go to the cities close by like Oxford and Bath.   This year we ventured to Bath and its honey coloured streets as so many wonderful companies that inspire have opened new stores so it was a bit of a pilgrimage for me.   It was a treat being able to slowly wander the beautiful showrooms taking images as I went to bank for later projects, making notes of the things I would like to add to my own home.

If you know me, you’ll know exactly where I visited just by these images, obviously its all very interior related but I couldn’t help myself.  deVOL was exquisite as I knew it would be, seeing the finishes up close was joyful.  I now have their light switches on my ever growing wish list.  Atelier Ellis town house is so calm and very beautiful, getting advice about their new soft gloss finish for my hall bannisters was very useful indeed and will be the first job I’ll complete for the Autumn.  The new Piglet in Bed store was fun, beautifully styled and good to see all the colourways of the linen by eye rather than online was very beneficial, I would highly recommend a visit.  Sadly Berdoulat was closed but that gives me another reason to go back.  Bath is such a fabulous city and I wish I lived closer.

Marlborough High Street is ever changing, Susie Watson Designs has had a store for many years but this year the showroom has moved to a characterful 17th Century double fronted town house.   Set over two storeys, it’s cleverly set out like a home and was rather lovely walking around these beautiful styled spaces.  I was quite taken with the way they have used their runners to line the stairs, something I have been thinking about doing at home for a while now, so hopefully I’ll be able to do this in the near future.

Obviously we wandered the thatched cottage streets of Avebury, sat in the sunshine with a glass of wine in pretty pub gardens and sat by the roaring fire on the field on an evening.  It’s always bitter sweet when its time to go home but there’s always next year to keep us going!




  • Siobhan Coyle

    Lovely to hear you enjoyed Bath, when you live here it’s easy just to race around and not just stop
    And look at the beauty around you x

    • Jane Day

      I love Bath, I need to visit more often. We are all guilty of not appreciating where we live sometimes, its good to look at it with others eyes. Jx

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