
Autumn Gold

It seems like quite a while ago now that we had our Autumn break in the Lake District but it’s lovely to reminisce when having a moment of calm amongst the build up to Christmas.  This holiday was also bittersweet as its the last half term holiday in the Lakes we will share with Ruby as she’s off to University in September next year.  It was also the holiday that I seemed to take photographs of lots of chairs, I do love a good chair!

Amongst the chairs and the rain (it always rains in the Lakes) we wrapped up, we walked, we stood still and took in the magical surroundings listening to rushing water of Aira Force, the stillness of the Lake, wandering through the woods to our favourite boat house, visited Allan Bank the National Trust property that has my heart.  Sat by the roaring fire in the pub and enjoyed each others company with no distractions.  Precious days being with my girl watching her turn into an adult in front of my eyes, proud moments indeed.



  • helen marshall

    Stunning photographs Jane. Beautiful Ruby is so grown up now! I too have a ‘ chair problem ‘. I’m picking another up this weekend! Xxx

    • Jane

      Morning Lovely

      Can you believe she’ll be 18 in a couple of months! We are on the countdown to her going off to Uni in September which I can’t quite believe. So I’m making the most of every minute of being with her as she is amazing.

      I bloody love chairs if I could change mine around every day I would!


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