

A slow start to the year, easing into January at my own pace.  I like to think of it as Wintering.

I may write a similar post to this at this point most years but I find it helps me feel grounded.  I try not to feel the overwhelm of others, not to say that whatever someone else chooses to define this month as isn’t right.

I know that making lists of what’s in and out, massive life/house/work goals, diets, exercise plans, achievements to the highest degree are not really my thing and I hope that this resonates with a few of you too.

I like to feel rested and nurtured.  I do find the beginning of the year quite a challenge but to me getting up and making the bed each morning is a goal.  Looking after my family, having hearty food to eat, going for bracing walks, morning stretches and swimming keep my body and mind working.

Everything else comes along when it comes along, I have a notebook to jot things down in as and when the notion arises, things that I may like to do in the year.  Sometimes its a place to visit, other times its what I want to improve in the house but nothing concrete.  I am very very lucky to be able to work as and when I like, over the last few years things have changed and slowed to how it used to be but that’s ok too.  I don’t like the hustle so I shall slowly go about my business and if a few want to follow along then that’s also fine by me.

Hopefully this will resonate, its totally ok to not have it all together in January and I’m not going to tell you how either.  Lets lean into Wintering and enjoy the little moments each day brings, even if its just making the bed.


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