
Summer Travels Part One

It’s always a relief when you arrive at your holiday destination and you know that you chose well.  Staying in Suffolk for the first time in Agatha was a good call.  Listening to the sea when we woke on a morning was simply wonderful, being within a moment’s walk for a morning swim in warm waters was even more lovely.

Being close to enticing places to visit was carefully planned, choosing to be in between Aldeburgh and Southwold worked very well indeed.  Getting morning treats from Two Magpies Bakery and delicious bottles of wine from Adnams and the deli at Snape Maltings.  Being able to mooch in all the wonderful independent stores to add lovely things for my home.  I finally got to visit Vanil in Woodbridge such a beautiful place and of course I wanted one of everything.  Norfolk Natural Living is a well curated store so being able to go and see a store beautifully styled made me happy.  I can’t possibly name all of the wonderful places to visit but I can tell you to go for the laid back way of living, the quietness and the easy going nature of the county.

So for now I will stop typing and leave you with some simple images that hopefully show why I adore this special county so much.



  • Pat

    You have captured Suffolk beautifully. I live in Orford full time and have enjoyed your reminder of how lucky I am. Keep blogging -thank you

    • Jane Day

      Pat you lucky lucky thing! I wanted to capture the calmness and beauty rather than fill the post with lots of attractions. I like a simple holiday and Suffolk is wonderful. Promise I will keep blogging x

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