
January Refresh

It is no secret that I do struggle a little with the first month of the year January, this year has been a little tough to be honest a few things that didn’t quite go to plan threw us and its been a little hard to pick ourselves up as fast as we usually would.  The deepest coldest part of Winter after all the sparkle isn’t conducive to fresh starts and being creative.

This isn’t a doom and gloom post by any means just a simple one to remind us that we all need to take care of ourselves, not to get too hung up on what others are doing and to look after and nourish each day whatever it throws at us.  As a family we have embraced the hibernating spirit that comes with these Winter days taking time to sleep, watch movies, snuggle under blankets, eating warming wholesome food, baking, taking winter walks when the sun shines and spending time to be together rather than focussing on the wider world.

I also like to take a deep look at our home and our surroundings, natures colour palette is quite beautiful, from walking on the beach to immersing yourself in the woods,  the tones and textures are quite remarkable when you take the time to see them.  Bringing these elements into your home adds a sense of calm and stillness to help guide you through to Spring, when plans that have slowly sat at the back of you mind can come to fruition.

So hang on in there, these winter days will soon be over and the warm spring sunshine will be here to rejuvenate and revive our spirits.


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