
Lakes the Great Outdoors and a Special Birthday

It truly does you the power of good to get away for a few days.  We are so very lucky in the times we are living in to own our little caravan, if it weren’t for her having holidays would definitely become more difficult.  Being able to pack her up and go is something that we will never take for granted.  It is our home away from home without the background noise of life getting in the way.  We truly unwind, no tv or radio, wifi signal that isn’t strong enough to properly use our phones, its a joyous situation to be in even if its only for a few days.   Waking when we want, being outside as much as possible weather permitting, simple cooking and reading lots and lots of books, good conversation, laughter and lots of sleep.

Within two hours we are in the Lake District, the most tranquil beautiful place that you simply can’t compare with anywhere else.  It has its own magical uniqueness and I will never tire of visiting.  The air is cleaner, the landscape greener and even on busy bank holiday weekends you can find a pocket of calm and quiet all to yourself.  Come rain or shine you find yourself having the loveliest of times.  Getting soaked to the skin but finding a charming pub to dry off in, or walking through dappled trees listening to the cuckoos singing, witnessing fighter jets practising flying low over the lake or having a well deserved ice cream after a long walk.  All these simple things become even more precious when you return home.

Being able to create more memories with my family is something you can’t buy, being here in these wonderful surroundings celebrating my husband Robert’s 50th birthday was one of them.  Obviously a party was had when we returned home but on the day the three of us enjoyed every moment, no distractions just us and the hills.

Peaceful perfection, batteries recharged to see us into the Summer months.  On to Devon in July where we will do it all again but with new places to explore and find adventures by the sea.




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