
The Ritual of Tea & Gardening

A simple post today one that will be quite short and easy to write.  It’s that time of year when all your hard work through the Winter months preparing the ground in the garden for Spring is coming to fruition.  My garden is a sanctuary a haven for wildlife and for my wellbeing.  I love plants, my borders are bursting but I can still find space for a few more, I get very sad when something doesn’t work but the joy of finding the right plant lifts the spirits.  I like nothing more than wandering a garden for inspiration and trying to replicate it at home.  When the weather was warmer a few weeks ago we moved and perfected all my furniture and paraphernalia into its final positions for the season until Autumn arrives once more.  My garden is awfully small but very full, we’ve even managed to create rooms.

Sitting first thing when all is still on my bench near to the house with a pot of tea listening and watching the birds go about their business is a joy.  The same goes for choosing seeds to sow, if I had a larger space I would have a big greenhouse so I could propagate far more than I do but I do have a miniature cold frame that holds enough for what I need.  Cosmos and sunflowers are being grown this year with great success.   Sitting at the kitchen table with a pot of Wilder Botanics tea infusions to be drunk out of a beautiful Japanese hand crafted Iga-Yaki cup by Nimi Projects is the perfect slow moment to go through the seed packets and choose this years crop.  The ritual of making and enjoying your tea whilst planning things to grow is one of life’s pleasures that should always be relished for its simplicity.

I get inspiration from many places even online, here are a few of my favourite instagram accounts who’s gardens and love of the great outdoors fill me with ideas and knowledge.  Of course I have a Pinterest board dedicated to the garden too.

The wildwoodmoth

Lobster & Swan


Fiona Pickles

Midgley Green


House & Garden



Hopefully the weather will be kind this weekend and warm up a little bit so I can spend most of this long weekend outside.  We are starting it all off with a visit the Newby Hall whose gardens are magnificent and lucky for me have a wonderful plants for sale too, I wonder what will come home with me?


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