Christmas Wishes With Love
So here we are, Christmas is upon us along with all the sparkle and excitement that it brings. I have finally got the tree and all is as it should be, no stress just lots to look forward too. I…
A Day in London
London in a day, crazy some may say but it was worth it and doable even from the North East. Yes we had to get up at silly o clock to catch a 6:30am train but we arrived early enough…
The Timeless Trench Coat
I know I’m a bit late to the trench coat party but I can finally say I get it. I’m not one to follow trends and refresh my Autumn/Winter coat every season but this year I felt like I needed…
Fresh Ginger & Apple Cake
I wrote this recipe for the 91 Magazine e-zine last year, it is a Day family classic that always gets made when Autumn arrives. So I thought that I would share it here on my blog too since it’s the…
Autumn in the Lakes
Book ending the seasons with a couple of lazy days in the Lake District. Its magical in Autumn, from foxgloves and spring greens in May to deep hues of russets and ochre in October. We are so very lucky to…
The Romantic Minimalist // Atlanta Bartlett & Dave Coote
I have been inspired by Atlanta Bartlett and Dave Coote for many a year, even before Tea with Ruby came into fruition. So it is a great honour to be able to to review their new book The Romantic Minimalist…
The Beginning of Autumn
Just like that the season has started to change, slowly I must admit but there is a feeling in the air. I’ve had a busy few weeks away from the blog and work so haven’t quite adjusted life back to…
Refreshing Your Kitchen Without Replacing
As Summer is slowly but elegantly fading I have finally been able to put together a post about our kitchen refresh. I started talking and planning doing this in March this year so it definitely hasn’t been a quick fix. …