The French Napoleon Chair
It’s the time of year that you really get to assess your home, you have the space to look at the things that you would like to change, freshen up or renovate all together, funds depending. I have a few jobs lined up for the Spring, giving the front door a fresh lick of paint is the first thing to be tackled, I’m sure to write about it once it I get researching colours.
Sometimes you really want to change something but can’t quite justify the expense if what you have is perfectly fine. I’m having a dilemma right now about this very thing. I really lust after antique French Napoleon chairs, I have always loved them but never been in the right place to own one. The only chair it could replace is my Ikea one that we’ve had for quite a number of years. I know one would fit perfectly into our living room but do I really need one, alas not.
Regardless of whether I make a purchase or not, I love them for their shape, their beautifully turned legs and the myriad ways to upholster them. Do you leave them deconstructed and quite bare with just a bit of calico covering their modestly or do you properly upholster them in beautiful linen? Here are some of my favourites, each and every one simply divine and I wish they were mine.