
Pretty City Oxford

A post more about the images than words.  It was a joy being able to have a city break for a few days in beautiful Oxford.  This is compact city feels like home, it has such a welcoming feel, being surrounded by history, the buttery toned stone buildings and spires are mesmerizing and its such a privilege to be able to walk around and take in its utter beautiful.  It was so good to be back even if it were brief, we had an agenda to visit a few colleges with Ruby which was wonderful, seeing a glimpse of University life that most don’t get to see was rather special.   We finally got to spend a few hours first thing in the morning wandering around the glasshouses and gardens of the botanic garden and arboretum, even this early in the year it was a treat, wandering the paths with fresh new Spring shoots.  It’s a must to visit the Ashmolean, so much to be inspired by, you see something new and fascinating every time you go.  Obviously a little bit of window shopping and home purchases had to be done too, TOAST and Objects of Use are my favourites.  We rested our heads and weary feet at The Head of the River, perfectly positioned to be able to get into the town centre with ease.  Oxford truly is a city that has a piece of my heart and I can’t wait to go back for that burst of culture and history that I have missed so much over the last couple of years.



TOASTObjects of Use, Oxford Botanic Garden & Arboretum Ashmolean Museum, The Head of the River, Christ Church




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