The Natural Way to Paint // Bauwerk Colour
When it comes to decorating I like to try out new ways of doing so, exploring new ideas and colours, mixing it up a little rather than playing safe. I have been a huge admirer of Bauwerk Colour for a…
The Joy of Tiles with Mandarin Stone
I have a thing for tiles, I simply love them, all their textures, patterns and shapes. I have a collection of tiles that I just keep and display because I think they are beautiful. One of the leading companies in…
The Unique Lily by Jessica Zoob
To own an original piece of art is a rare thing but something that I whole heartedly recommend everyone should aspire to have no matter how big or small. Something unique to you that will bring years of joy when…
The Sofa Dilemma
The sofa is one of the comfiest places to relax other than under the duvet so you have to get it right, it’s a big financial cost too, so any wrong choices can be a bit of a disaster. All…